Charbonneau Chrysler Center

Jan 26, 2024

Your vehicle is a valuable investment that deserves proper care and attention. Regular car maintenance is the key to years of reliable and enjoyable driving. Here’s some advice from your local Jeep dealer about how to keep your vehicle running smoothly and efficiently.

7 Car Maintenance Tips from Your Jeep Dealer

Regular Oil Changes

A fundamental aspect of ensuring your vehicle’s engine has clean and well-lubricated parts is regular oil changes. Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, and Ram (CDJR) vehicles, like any other, require clean and properly circulated oil to prevent engine wear and tear. Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for oil change intervals, typically every 3,000 to 5,000 miles, to keep your engine performing optimally.

Tire Maintenance

Proper tire maintenance is essential not only for your vehicle’s performance but also for your safety. Regularly check tire pressure, alignment, and tread depth to ensure even wear and better fuel efficiency. Rotate your tires as recommended to extend their lifespan and save on replacement costs.

Brake System Checks

Your vehicle’s braking system is a critical safety component. Regular brake inspections are necessary to detect and address any issues early on. If you notice squealing, grinding, or reduced braking performance, it’s crucial to have your brakes checked promptly. Replace brake pads and service the brake system as needed, so you can be sure that your vehicle will stop safely when you need it to.

Fluid Levels and Quality

A variety of fluids play vital roles in your vehicle’s operation, such as coolant, transmission fluid, brake fluid, and power steering fluid. Regularly check fluid levels and quality, and top them off or replace them as necessary. Proper fluid maintenance prevents overheating, corrosion, and costly repairs.

Air Filter Replacement

A clean air filter is essential for maintaining optimal engine performance and fuel efficiency. Regularly replace air filters so you can ensure the engine receives clean air for combustion. Check your vehicle’s owner’s manual for recommended replacement intervals.

Battery Health

A dead battery can leave you stranded, so monitor your vehicle’s battery health. Check for signs of corrosion on the battery terminals and ensure they are clean and secure. If your battery is more than a few years old, consider having it tested or replaced to prevent unexpected breakdowns.

Regular Inspections

Scheduled maintenance and inspections by qualified technicians are essential for identifying potential issues before they become major problems. These inspections can include checking the suspension, exhaust system, and electrical components, ensuring that your vehicle remains reliable and safe.

Call us today, go on our website, or come in person to schedule your maintenance appointment at Charbonneau Chrysler Center here in Dickinson, ND. Our experienced technicians are dedicated to keeping your CDJR vehicle in peak condition. Your vehicle deserves nothing less than the best care, and we’re here to provide it.