Charbonneau Chrysler Center

Dec 29, 2023

Your battery is one of the most important components in your Chrysler, as it provides the energy that starts the engine. Over time, your battery can become worn out or damaged. When this happens, it’s time to visit your Chrysler dealership for a replacement. These are a few signs that it’s time to get a new car battery.

Signs You Need To Get a New Car Battery From Your Chrysler Dealership

Check Battery Light

The battery-shaped warning light on your dash lights up in response to any problem in the electrical system. Your Chrysler has numerous sensors that monitor all your engine’s functions. These receive instructions from your car’s computer and report on the health and condition of the component they’re connected to.

If a sensor detects a fault in the electrical system, a message will be sent to your car’s computer. The computer will log the problem and illuminate the check battery light. If this light comes on, it’s important to visit our service department ASAP. Our Chrysler-trained technicians will identify the error code and use it to trace and repair the cause of the problem.

Damaged Alternator

The alternator creates electricity for your car’s systems by converting mechanical energy from the crankshaft into DC power for your car. The alternator is also responsible for recharging your battery. The alternator starts recharging the battery at full power for ten minutes, then switches to recharging at 10% to prevent damage to the alternator and the battery.

If your alternator is damaged, it may not switch to recharging at a reduced rate. In this situation, the excessive recharging rate will damage your battery. The electrolyte solution in the battery can start to boil, and you’ll smell a rotten egg stench. This smell is caused by the breakdown of the sulfuric acid that releases hydrogen, which then forms hydrogen sulfide. We can fix this by replacing your alternator.

Bloated Battery Case

Your battery contains chemicals, copper plates, and an electrolyte solution, among other things. A tough plastic casing protects the battery contents from contamination. The battery casing is usually rectangular, but square batteries are also possible. If you look at your battery case and it bulging or distorted, this is a sign that your battery is failing.

The distortions are caused by internal pressure inside the battery. This pressure can build up due to extreme hot or cold external temperatures. These temperatures affect the electrolyte solution, which will expand and force the battery casing outwards. At the same time, these pressures damage the battery’s internal structure. We can’t repair a bulging battery, but we can replace it for you.

If you have a battery problem, call us today at Charbonneau Chrysler Center, and we’ll fix it for you.